viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

2009-10 AWARDS

Download any pictures you like from our album !!

scrapbook 2010

martes, 15 de junio de 2010





viernes, 11 de junio de 2010


Hi Lourdes
I'm writting this postcard from Italy. The weather is quite good, and I really like it. I have seen a lot of monuments and visited a lot of important places.

I just arrived here in Roma. I have seen a lot of people and a lot of museums. I really like pisa tower. I love food especially pasta ... mm!

Tonight I am going to stay in a very expensive hotel in the city. Tomorrow I will go to visit more city and buy some souvenirs.

I hope you're well. Se you soon Lourdes.



miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Postcard from Turkey

From: Paula Felip
To: Lourdes Roviras
Subject: Hello from Turkey!

Hi Lourdes!,
I’m here in Turkey enjoying the days and having a great time with my family. Today, the sun is shining and there aren’t any clouds in the sky, but we had a really bad two days last week, it was all the time raining, but it’s OK.
How are you in Spain? Are there any clouds in the sky?.

Today we are going to visit the city, Istanbul. It’s a beautiful city, and its people are so funny, they are so kind and generous. We meet an Istanbul’s family and they show us all the habits of the people, all the typical dishes,….

Everything its okay now, We don’t have any problem, the trip was fine and we were laughing all the time with a strange man we met on the plane. So, I hope you are ok!

martes, 8 de junio de 2010


From: Natalia
To: Lourdes
Subject: Hi from Portugal

Hello Lourdes!
I'm writing this email on my laptop from the swimming pool of the hotel.
Here it's very sunny and hot, I like it because I love summer time, relaxing in the swimming pool. I’m listening to music from Portugal, it’s good!

The culture here is not very different because Portugal is our neighbor.
I’m in Lisboa, the weather here is like there in Spain.
I like the language here, but I prefer the Portuguese from Brasil, it’s easier.
Here is beach, but the water is too cold yet, for swimming.
I was in the city center to go shopping, I was in a lot of restaurant, and in museums and in beautiful places.

Sorry I must go!
Bye Lourdes, have a good week!

By: Natalia

lunes, 7 de junio de 2010


From: Neus
To: Lourdes
Subject: Hi from Mexico

Hi Lourdes!
I’m writting this e-mail from Mexico. The weather is really hot at the moment but I really like it here because the people are very friendly and generous. We’re walking around the country and we’re swimming on the beach.

We’ve just arrived here in Ciudad de Mexico. In the last few days we’ve gone to the enormous beach and we’ve gone to some fantastic museums. So far I’ve really enjoyed the transparent water from the beach and we haven’t had any bad experiences.
Tonight we’re staying in a big beautiful hotel in the middle of the city. Tomorrow we’re going to take the car and go to the mountain to have lunch. I think it will be great!
So, nothing more. I hope you’re right. I will write to you again tomorrow night.


martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Joana's postcard

Hi Lourdes!!

I’m writing this email from Iceland. The weather is not really cold. I like heis country because it has a lot of nature, but the people are quite serious. We are driving by bus around the country and we are stopping in differents places.
We’ve just arrived here in Reyjavic. In the last feew days we’ve visited some natural parks, the Gullfos waterfall, some geysirs, Jökulsárlón lagoon and floating icebergs. So far I’ve really enjoyed all the things that we have visitedand we haven’t had any strange experiences.
Tonight we are going to go in a party near the city of Akureyri. Tomorrow we’re going to go in the lake Myvatan Nature Bathan take a relaxing bath in the thermal lagoon. It should be fun.
I hope you’re well, Lourdes. I’ll write again soon.
Lots of love.
